If you are looking for a way to reduce your body fat, going low carb is one of the popular diet choices. There a number of different versions of low carb diets , from the famous Atkins diet to The South Beach Diet. Low Carb Diets are not new, the concept was not invented by…
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So what about some Intermittent Fasting Success Stories ? If you are looking at using intermittent fasting as a way to help you lose weight, I imagine you would like to know if it works. Well in this case , the best intermittent fasting success story I can give you is mine. January 1st 2009…
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Intermittent fasting weight loss occurs when you ensure that you are creating a calorie deficit. Even with intermittent fasting you still need to be consuming less calories than you need in order to lose weight. The best way to do this is to look at your calories over a week, and not just on a…
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What Is Intermittent Fasting ? Intermittent Fasting is the process of taking a break from eating for a certain period of time. There are a number of different ways of doing intermittent fasting, but if you are looking to use intermittent fasting to help you lose or control your weight, then the most important thing…
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